Welcome to our first Cary Group Summit in Kitzbühel!

We are very happy to invite you all to our first Cary Group Summit! The conference is organized for our Country Management Teams and senior employees of Cary Group. The summit will be held in conjunction to our yearly functional summits.

The event will take place in Kitzbühel, Austria, 18th- 20th of March 2025. 

Hotel and Transfer

Airport Transfers for Cary Group Summit

Your airport transfer to the hotel has been booked based on the flight details you previously provided to Marlen. Upon arrival, a driver to your shuttle will be waiting for you in the airport with a "Cary Group Summit" sign.

If there are any changes to your schedule or your flight gets canceled, please inform us as soon as possible so we can adjust the arrangements accordingly.

Safe travels, and we look forward to seeing you soon!

For information or changes please text Marlen Vaidla at +46739958661

Hotel Information

All rooms are booked at Lebenberg Hotel and Schwarzer Adler hotel. Your transfer will take you directly from the airport to the hotel, with a travel time of approximately 1.5 to 2 hours, depending on traffic.

Upon arrival, you will check in using your name and passport details. Please remember to bring your company card for checking in to your room.

All rooms are prepaid between 18-20th of March. Extra expenses like usage of Minibar in the room, drinks & snacks from the bar or restaurant visits will be charged on your card registred upon departure.


The conference will be held at Hotel Lebenberg. If you need transportation from the Schwarzer Adler Hotel to Lebenberg please let us know.

Adress to Lebenberg Hotel

Lebenbergstraße 17, 6370 Kitzbühel

Adress to Schwarzer Adler Hotel

Florianigasse 15, 6370 Kitzbühel